Thursday 23 June 2016

South Indian Special Lunch Menu - 5/Lunch Menu Ideas

Hello friends,
Thinking of what to cook every day for each meal is very big task. So I have already posted some simple and elegant lunch menus earlier. But if you really want to have a special thali for lunch then you should surely read today post. It is South Indian Vegetarian Special Thali and I have given links for all the recipes also. Please check out the lunch menu, try it out and post your comments. Mean while do not forget to check out other lunch menu ideas here.

Here’s the South Indian Special Lunch Menu/Thali




Click on the links for the recipes with step by step photos.

Thank you all for visiting my space, please come back again for more and more delightful and exciting lunch menu ideas from my kitchen.

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Have a great day and enjoy.

Until then I am signing off…


Hello everybody,
Thank you very much for stopping by my blog. Your comments are very precious and I treasure them a lot. Please leave your valuable comments and suggestions here. All our content & photos are copyright protected. a lot of time and effort is spent in researching, developing, testing and photographing recipes. please do not copy. as a blogger, if you you want to adapt this recipe or make a youtube video, then please write the recipe in your own words and give a clickable link back to the recipe on this url.
Priya Anandakumar