Friday 9 December 2016

Homemade Roasted Cumin Powder/How to make roasted cumin Powder at home/Varuthu Araitha Jeeraga Podi/Cumin Powder

Hello friends,

Today I am going to share a very basic recipe – making of aromatic cumin powder/Jeeragam Podi at home. This post is especially for beginners. When it comes to basic masala powders and paste, I make it only at home. The main reason is the freshness and aroma of the home made cumin powder is unbeatable when compared to the ones bought from shops. Cumin/Jeeragam has numerous health benefits and in Indian cooking they are used generously in most of all the recipes either as whole seed or in powdered form. 

Here’s how to make Cumin Powder at home ….