Showing posts with label Milkshake/Smoothies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Milkshake/Smoothies. Show all posts

Thursday 19 September 2013

Blackberry Milkshake Recipe

Blackberries are available from the end of July through mid of October in UK. They are very delicate, shiny and purply black coloured berry. Blackberries are packed with antioxidants including vitamin C and ellagic acid, these help in protecting against cancer and other chronic diseases. Blackberries are very good source of fibre because they have a lot of tiny seeds, every 100 gm of blackberries have 5 gm of dietary fibre. Since it was hard to get my girls to eat Blackberries I made them the milkshake which I am sharing with you all. Thank you for visiting my blog, please come back again for cooling and refreshing drinks.
Meanwhile do check out other interesting, tempting, refreshing and lip smacking Smoothies/Ice-creams/Milkshakes/Juices here.

Here’s how to make Blackberry milkshake with step by step photos…

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Honeydew Melon Milkshake Recipe

Before starting off with the milkshake, I wanted to share a few things about honeydew melon. Honeydew melon belongs to the same family of cantaloupe (melon family), except that honeydew melon has a green flesh and is the sweetest of all the melons. Honey dew melon is a good source of Vitamin C and a perfect cooler for summer. This milkshake serves a perfect breakfast, it’s very filling and keeps you fresh all day…

Here’s Honeydew Melon milkshake…

Thursday 16 May 2013

Pineapple, Ginger & Apple Juice

Now that I had some pineapple left, I was thinking of making pineapple juice, my daughter’s favorite. But I wanted to add more fruits to the pineapple that is when I came across with pineapple, ginger & apple juice. I gave it a try and it was totally refreshing and lovely…

So here is Pineapple,Ginger & Apple Juice...

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Masala Tea/Masala Chai - Making of Masala spice mix for Tea

I love to drink tea and when it comes to masala tea, I love the blend of spices infused together with the tea leaves makes me drink more and totally irresistible. Tea is drunk in all parts of India, but made differently in each place. My husband does not drink tea or coffee, I was like that until before marriage. But after marriage things changed I started to fall in love with tea and coffee. My father in law prefers to have cardamom/elachi  & ginger tea but started to have this masala tea and likes it a lot. Our families evening is complete only if we all have a cup of delectable tea and have a chat. 

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Mango Ice Cream Recipe/Mango Ice Cream Recipe with out Eggs & Icecream maker/Mango Ice Cream with step by step photos

Homemade ice cream and that to mango ice cream, I don’t think nobody is going to say no to this. It is very simple, quick, easy and just made with three ingredients and off all the best part is - no ice cream machine. I came across this in savitha’s kitchen and gave it a shot. It is so creamy, delightful and the taste of mango is still lingering in my mouth.

Here’s how to make mango ice cream with step by step photos…

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Salted Mint Lassi Recipe/Salted Lassi Recipe/Lassi Recipe/How to make Salted Lassi easily at home

Lassi is a refreshing drink made by blending yogurt with different ingredients. There are different types of lassi’s like the sweet lassi and salted lassi. Here is a mint flavored lassi, perfect for hot days. Also check out other interesting and healthy Lassi's/Juices/Beverages/Milkshakes/Smoothies here.

Here’s how to make it…

Monday 6 May 2013

Lemonade/Lemon Juice

Lemonade is a simple lemon juice, by squeezing some lemons adding sugar and salt. But is that it??? No, making perfect sugar syrup and adding right quantity of ingredients at the right time is very important to make refreshing lemon juice.  Drinking lemon juice is the perfect way to beat the heat…

Here’s how to make it…

Friday 3 May 2013

Banana & Almonds Milkshake Recipe

The name says it all, nutritious and a healthy drink. You can have it for breakfast, in that case, just skip the ice cream and sugar. Healthy and filling breakfast is ready. This is especially for kids who don't eat banana, an easy way to make them drink the banana. Meanwhile do check out other interesting, tempting, refreshing and lip smacking Smoothies/Ice-creams/Milkshakes/Juices here.

Here's how to make it...

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Apple & Banana Milkshake Recipe

Do you want to start your day healthy and filling, than here it is - Apple & banana milkshake with generous amount of cinnamon powder and no added sugar. Meanwhile do check out other interesting, tempting, refreshing and lip smacking Smoothies/Ice-creams/Milkshakes/Juices here.

Here’s how to make it with photos…

Friday 12 April 2013

Oats & Mango Smoothie

Oats & Mango Smoothie, here’s another healthy breakfast smoothie. Delightful, quick and filling drink to keep your day going. So why not start your day with a healthy smoothie...

Here's how to make it...

Thursday 21 March 2013

Raspberry & Banana Smoothie

Are you looking for a healthy break fast or a drink, here it is. Raspberry & banana smoothie, it is very filling and refreshing.

Friday 8 March 2013

Banana & Pineapple Smoothie

Hi everybody, first of all “Wishing you all a very Happy Women’s Day”. To make it special here’s a healthy and filling smoothie – Banana & Pineapple Smoothie. It is one healthy breakfast, all natural and no extra sugar added.

Have a slurp of Banana & Pineapple Smoothie and enjoy your day…

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Mango Milkshake Recipe/Easy & Quick Mango Milkshake

Mango milkshake is a irresistible dessert of all. I love mangoes, I think it is the same with most of you. We have a mango tree in our house, so during summer my mom makes lots and lots of dishes with mango, starting with pickle to sweets. This milkshake is one among them. 
Meanwhile do check out other interesting, tempting, refreshing and lip smacking Smoothies/Ice-creams/Milkshakes/Juices here.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Thursday 14 February 2013

Strawberry And Banana Smoothie

My Valentine's day menu continues in this post. In my previous post, I had the recipe for Middle Eastern Falafel, with pita bread and salad. For dessert I made the strawberry and banana smoothie. So I thought I will share it with you.